Doris McCarthy

Displaying 21 - 30 of 293
Cover of "The New Outlook" featuring a drawing by Doris McCarthy
Print of a drawing by Doris McCarthy, on the cover of "The New Outlook," periodical published by the United Church of Canada, Toronto. Issue is titled "The Children's Book Number."
New Oil Paintings, Watercolours, Sketches & Related Works
Exhibition held at Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto, Ontario. Features small reproductions of "Yawl Looking West," "My Breakfast View," "Pangnirtung Cloud Hung."
Doris McCarthy and friends Virginia & Ed Luz and Florence Smedley in London
A photograph of Doris McCarthy with friends Virginia (Ginny) and Ed Luz, and Florence Smedley.
Marjorie with two men on the deck
Marjorie with two men on the boat deck at soup time on deck. Black and white photograph.
Red gorge with fence
Slide of photograph "Red gorge with fence."
Sculpture in Garden, South Village, Bomarzo, Italy
Photograph of Sculpture in Garden and South Village, taken on Doris McCarthy's trip to Bomarzo, Lazio, Italy.
Doris McCarthy skating at indoor rink
Doris McCarthy skating on an indoor rink. Reverse reads "About 1978 or so."
Saedra Fountain
Photograph of Saedra Fountain taken on Doris McCarthy's trip to Rome, Italy.