
Displaying 1 - 10 of 83
Flo at Alfriston, England
Photograph of Flo at Alfriston, taken on Doris McCarthy's trip to England. Outdoors.
Chichester Cathedral, England
Exterior image of Chichester Cathedral, Chichester, taken on Doris McCarthy's trip to England.
Unknown buildings
Photograph of residential building architecture, taken during Doris McCarthy's travels. Possibly during her trip to England?
Dino, March 1962
Photograph of Dino, taken on Doris McCarthy's trip to Rome, Italy.
Rahmi at Ostia
Photograph of Rahmi, taken on trip with Doris McCarthy, to the Castle of Julius II in Ostia Antica, Rome, Italy.
Capitoline Wolf on Capitoline Hill
Photograph of Capitoline Wolf on Capitoline Hill, taken on Doris McCarthy's trip to Rome, Italy.
Flo & Kitty, Star Inn, Alfriston, England
Photograph of Flo & Kitty in dining area of Star Inn in Alfriston, taken on Doris McCarthy's trip to England.
Doris McCarthy in China
A colour photograph of Doris McCarthy in China, in front of a "No Drawing" sign. Printed on Kodak Royal Paper. "In China" (on back).
Doris McCarthy and friends Virginia & Ed Luz and Florence Smedley in London
A photograph of Doris McCarthy with friends Virginia (Ginny) and Ed Luz, and Florence Smedley.
Sculpture in Garden, South Village, Bomarzo, Italy
Photograph of Sculpture in Garden and South Village, taken on Doris McCarthy's trip to Bomarzo, Lazio, Italy.