
Displaying 31 - 35 of 35
Buffet - 31C
Photograph of buffet table and an angel statue at 31C Via Modena, taken on Doris McCarthy's trip to Rome, Italy.
Children - Craig & Deirdre Olsen, Bomarzo, Italy
Photograph of children at Park of the Monsters (Parco dei Mostri in Italian, also known as the Gardens of Bomarzo or the Sacro Bosco), taken on Doris McCarthy's trip to Bomarzo, Lazio, Italy.
Children on Lion, Bomarzo, Italy
Photograph of children on lion statue at Park of the Monsters (Parco dei Mostri in Italian, also known as the Gardens of Bomarzo or the Sacro Bosco), taken on Doris McCarthy's trip to Bomarzo, Lazio, Italy.
Two Columns, Ostia
Photograph of Rahmi between two columns, taken on Doris McCarthy's trip to Ostia Antica, Rome, Italy.
Doris Collection
This collection of digitized papers and correspondence reflect the life and works of Doris McCarthy, Canadian abstract landscape painter and graduate of University of Toronto Scarborough. The Papers of Doris McCarthy Collection is presented in partnership with the Doris McCarthy Gallery at University of Toronto Scarborough, which stewards both a permanent collection of over 200 of her works as well as her accumulated papers.